Bull River Guest Ranch

Welcome to a wedding at Bull River Guest Ranch. This tiny ranch is nestled away in the East Kootenay BC. Surrounded by mountains and cristal blue water it made for the amazing backdrop you see in the wedding photos on this page. This wedding was special for me as I had never worked with Bull River Guest Ranch Weddings before. This couple also put on a heck of a dance party with a live band Morning Wood playing the night away! 

This location deems itself as still cowboy country and he best way to experience the west is at The Bull River Guest Ranch. They are  located just 40 minutes outside of Cranbrook with western hospitality and adventures. The Ranch is situated on approximately 200 acres nestled against the backdrop of the Rocky Mountains. In addition to the Ranch property, there are several thousand acres of government crown land adjacent to the ranch which provides endless scenery and enjoyment to visitors. The Bull River Guest Ranch is the perfect getaway for travellers looking to get away or host a private wedding. 

They also offer accomidation of cabins on site. The cabins are amazing and fun to stay in. Hot tubs are also on the grounds along with RV and camper parking. This location allows for fun and multiple days of family and friends together. 


Cole hofstra photography
ring detial shots, bc wedding
Cole hofstra photography
Bull River Guest Ranch, hot tub
Cole hofstra photography
grooms getting ready reflextion in the mirror
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
first look with the bride and groom
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Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Bull River Guest Ranch wedding with bride and groom
bull river guest ranch
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
bull river guest ranch
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Hire a Live Band!!!

I love the idea of a live band at a wedding. They can get the crowd going and add a whole new level of party to your day.It truly depends on how your group pf humans likes to dance. Are they more traditional? Then maybe a DJ but if they are stompers and jump around crowd I would highly suggest looking into live entertainment.  The band here was called Morning Wood –http://mourningwood.ca/main.aspx

Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
bull river guest ranch
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography

Welcome to Cole Hofstra Photography.  Bull River Guest Ranch is a stunning location for weddings and I would highly recommend looking into them here. http://bullriverguestranch.com For more mountain weddings from me please follow this link. https://colehofstra.com/calgary-wedding-photography/ The band featured in these images is called Morning Wood you can link to their page. http://mourningwood.ca 

Thank you for visiting.  Please feel free to contact me with any wedding questions you may have.