Valley Ridge Golf Course

Welcome to Kristen and Brian’s wonderful wedding from Valley Ridge Golf Course. A Calgary golf course wedding can be stunning as you are in close proximity to our wonderful city but also nestled in a large amount of greenery. Valley Ridge is one of my favourite golf courses to work with in Calgary. The main reason for this is the proximity to the West end of the city and closeness to the mountains. Tucked just off Highway One Valley Ridge Golf Course was ideal for Kristen and Brian as they wanted to have a first look in Kananaskis followed by the family coming together to celebrate the festivities! Please enjoy the slide show and scrolling through the images.

Valley Ridge Golf Wedding Info:

“We are proud to be a leading Calgary Wedding Venue.  With our beautiful indoor and outdoor facilities Valley Ridge Golf Club is the perfect place to have your wedding. Our captivating banquet rooms are surrounded with floor to ceiling windows overlooking our golf course, magnificent gardens, tranquil pond and stunning waterfall.  The perfect setting for your special day!

We host both ceremonies and receptions so our guests can do everything in one spot or choose to just have your reception with us.  We are located on the western edge of Calgary.” 

valley Ridge golf course wedding - Calgary photographer - Calgary golf weddings
First look Valley ridge golf course wedding
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
valley ridge golf course wedding
valley ridge golf course wedding - golf weddings calgary
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
valley ridge golf course wedding
valley ridge golf course wedding table set up
valley ridge golf course wedding
Cole hofstra photography
valley ridge golf course wedding
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
valley ridge golf course wedding patio set up
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Valley ridge golf course outdoor locations - calgary
valley ridge golf course wedding
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography
Cole hofstra photography

Thank You!

Thank you for taking the time to view Cole Hofstra Photography and this wonderful Vallery Ridge Golf wedding. Calgary is full of amazing golf venues and I would love to share some of that work with you. Calgary golf wedding venues are listed below:

The Glenco Golf and Country Club –

Lynx Ridge Golf Club

Silver Springs Golf & Country Club

Elbow Springs Golf Club